Showing posts with label Author: Saxon James. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Author: Saxon James. Show all posts

Friday, 7 March 2025

Possessive Puckboy by Eden Finley & Saxon James (Puckboys Book #8)

TITLE: ⟫ Possessive Puckboy
AUTHOR: ⟫ Eden Finley & Saxon James
SERIES: ⟫ Puckboys Book #8
RATING: ⟫ /5

BLURB:⟫ Connor

Finding out those closest to me don’t see me as the great guy I think I am not only kicks me in the gut, it makes me question everything.

Until that happened, I didn’t think I had many regrets in my life. Now, I have nothing but regrets. And when my NHL team is bought out, and the new owner makes his presence known, my existential crisis kicks up a notch. Because he might be my biggest regret of all.

Parker Duchene.

I made his life a living hell in high school, and now he’s inserting himself into my career to repay the favor.

With everything in my personal life already on the line, I can’t risk hockey too. I need to figure out a way to play nice with the new owner.


I bought Colorado’s NHL team to honor my late father. I did. Only reason.

Emotionally playing with one of my many high school tormentors is a nice bonus though.

Connor Kikishkin may be the one who made me the target for years of name-calling, but I’ve always wondered if my hatred for him bordered too much on the obsessive side to truly be classified as hate.

Infatuation is probably the right word for it.

Now his whole life is in my hands, and I can’t wait to see him beg for my mercy. Seeing Mr. Popular find his humility will definitely ease the grief from losing my dad … right? Because right now, that’s all I have, and I need to hold on to it so I don’t crumble.

REVIEW: ⟫ Currently reading – review to follow. I received an ARC from Foreword PR.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Not Catching Love by Saxon James (Accidental Love #5)

TITLE: ⟫ Not Catching Love

AUTHOR: ⟫ Saxon James

SERIES: ⟫ Accidental Love #5

RATING: ⟫ 5/5

BLURB: ⟫ Xander

There’s something seriously wrong with me.

For once, I’m not talking about the health anxiety that randomly pops up and wreaks havoc on my life. I'm talking about, well, everything else.

All my roommates have found someone to love them, and it hurts to see the guys who used to have me at the center of their worlds pair off and grow up, especially when it’s a reminder of everything wrong with me. I’ve always had an issue with relationships. With forming a connection with people outside of Seven, but this is more.

Because I want to find my someone.

Except the one person my brain has latched onto is the one person I can never have. The one person who’s there to help me when my panic attacks get too much.

Nurse Derek.


I should never have offered to treat Xander Moore.

And now here I am years later, my life on hold, while I wait day in and day out for the call that Xander needs me. It always comes, and I always answer, but I’m starting to dread those visits.

Lately, I’m looking at Xander in a way a medical professional should never look at their patient.

When Xander starts volunteering at the same nursing home that I do, I get to see a new side of him. The artistic, charismatic side that draws the residents in. I get glimpses of a man who’s so much more than his anxiety, and it does nothing to help my feelings for him.

When lines begin to blur, I have no choice but to stop treating him. That at least allows us to be friends. The only problem is, being friends isn’t enough for either of us.

It’s wrong, unethical, and unprofessional, but my heart won’t listen. It’s decided on Xander, and it doesn’t want to wait. Neither does Xander.

But if I want to keep my job, I have to resist.

I just wish he didn’t make that so difficult.

REVIEW: ⟫ Serious bit first – I am blown away by how well Saxon James handled Xander’s mental health issues. There was no magic cure, no easy way out or through – this took solid work, determination and a whole lot of love from the people who cared about him.

Now, onward into the last adventure with the Bertha Boys, and Saxon saved the best until last. Derek may well be one of my top ten favourites of her characters – it was how open he was, how caring, how understanding – he was absolutely everything that our Xander needed. And then some.

I literally steamed through this read with only a couple of bathroom breaks and I don’t regret a thing. Well, other than this was the last Bertha story because oh my goodness, I am going to miss these guys. I spent pretty much the entirety of the last few chapters reading through tears because it was all just so absolutely right. Like – Derek completely understood how Xander felt about Seven and Molly and wasn’t needlessly jealous; how much all of the boys love each other; Aggie – oh my goodness, Aggie – we all need an Aggie in our lives.

The volunteering at the retirement home touched me so deeply, especially since Xander didn’t water himself down even the slightest and yet still showed so much care for these people. I just – I could ramble for a very long time about all of the different things I loved about this story, but suffice it to say I began February with an excellent book, a snuffly nose from the quiet sobbing and a deep desire to see these books made into a series!!

Friday, 18 October 2024

Just Bromantically Invested by Saxon James (Accidental Love Book #4)

TITLE: ⟫ Just Bromantically Invested

AUTHOR: ⟫ Saxon James

SERIES: ⟫ Accidental Love Book #4

RATING: ⟫ 4/5


My best friend is uptight, gorgeous, the greatest person I know … and I might be a smidge in love with him. Just a small amount. Barely worth the mention.

Which is a stupid choice on my part when the guy is straight.

Starting a landscaping company with him was the perfect mix of doing what I love and an excuse to spend time with him, only it hasn’t completely taken off yet and now he’s telling me he’s lonely.


Apparently having one friend in your life isn’t enough.

So I’m determined to help him find love. With someone other than me. Maybe if I can pull that off, it’ll mean my heart will finally get the message and move on.

Or finish breaking into a hundred pieces.

Same thing, right?


Being besties with an overenthusiastic, gold-hearted, nudist of a man is a challenge sometimes. Madden makes everything sunshine when he’s around.

The problem is that he hasn’t been around as much lately. We work together, sure, but he’s got his roommates and I have … no one. Just him. So I feel the distance acutely.

My one reassurance is that we have work tying us together, but when an old client calls with a proposition for us, it feels like our once solid friendship is unraveling fast.

He wants Madden to help him open a nudist resort, and if Madden’s doing that, he won’t be working with me.

I’m trying not to panic over the thought of losing him, which is a typical, common best friend reaction. Nothing out of the ordinary.

And neither is the way my body has been reacting to him lately.

Everything is totally, completely normal between us.

While there’s still an us at all.

REVIEW: ⟫ I readily admit that I’m a Saxon James stan – I love her characters, the situations they find themselves in, the hot sex – yeah, I’m a fan for life I think. And I wanted a lot from Madden’s story – maybe because he was always so giving and caring in the other stories.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about Penn. I couldn’t quite picture him – maybe if he had been the cover model instead of Madden? But because I couldn’t picture him properly, I couldn’t get the right image of him and Madden together which affected my reading of the story. I fully believed in their relationship, especially how honest they were with each other. I loved how they talked – about the good and the bad – and I really enjoyed reading the naturalist aspects and why Madden is, well, Madden.

But I also found myself half hoping Damien might tempt Madden away from Penn which was a surprise to me. This was a very good addition to the Bertha Boys – as always I’m switched between irritated and scared for Xander, and catching up with the others was lovely. I think I need to maybe re-read to get a better understanding/love of Penn but that’s not exactly going to be a hardship. A solid read and looking forward to Xander finally finding his person next!

Friday, 20 September 2024

Forbidden Puckboy by Eden Finley & Saxon James (Puckboys Book #7)

TITLE: ⟫ Forbidden Puckboy

AUTHOR: ⟫ Eden Finley & Saxon James

SERIES: ⟫ Puckboys Book #7

RATING: ⟫ 4.5/5

BLURB: ⟫ Easton

You know what’s the worst feeling in the world? Being in love with someone since you were twelve years old, knowing they only see you as a little brother type.

Not even becoming an NHL star has made him realize I’m all grown up now.

All of that changes when I ask my brother’s best friend to ref a charity match and we spend an entire week in each other’s pocket.

Being close to him is torture, but for the first time since my adolescent crush started, I begin to feel hope. I swear Knox looks at me the same way I look at him. Or so I think. When I throw myself at him and get utterly rejected, I never want to see him again.

Yet, shaking him is impossible, because he and Connor are always around, and my older brother is suffocatingly protective. Every time I look at Knox, I’m reminded of how he turned me down.

Can’t I just die of embarrassment in peace?


The Kiki brothers are legendary in the NHL world. Thick as thieves, unstoppable on the ice, and the kind of family nothing can come between. Or so I thought.

For the last ten years, I’ve successfully hidden my feelings for the middle Kiki brother. Easton is snarky, determined, and the prettiest guy I’ve met. Ever since we stumbled across each other on a gay dating app and shared our secrets, I’ve felt a connection to him that I haven’t had with anything else.

But Connor is my best friend and when it comes to his little brothers, “protective” doesn’t cover it. I’m determined to take my feelings for Easton to the grave, but after a week in close proximity to him, my willpower is ready to break.

All it takes is one charity hockey match, a drunken night out, and a forbidden kiss for me to know that Easton Kikishkin is it for me.

And unless I want to lose Connor, Easton will never be mine.

REVIEW: ⟫ When I started reading this, I thought it was going to be a hockey spin on the best friend’s sibling trope, which to some extent it was. But it was also based on a lot more ‘realism’ – it was about whether you have the faith in yourself to take chances; realising that love and romance take effort and work; accepting the changing roles that people have in life.

I really enjoyed reading this, predominantly for Easton and Knox, but also for the progression in Connor’s character. We see him having to accept the changing roles in his brother and best friend’s lives, how his perception of himself and his role in life needs to change, and perhaps a new perspective on his past life.

Knox and Easton are brilliant together – they are so obviously each other’s person that occasionally, it saddened me that Knox seemed prepared to call it quits too easily. However, the more that I read, the more I could understand why he was the way that he was. After all, hard enough to face the reality of your slight lack of talent compared to an entire family of superstars – how much harder to try to build a relationship when your entire career rests on your ability to be impartial?

I loved the catch up with the Queer Collective, although I admit that I occasionally struggle to remember who everyone is, how they got together and how they relate to each other. I’m pretty sure that in a Facebook group somewhere, someone has created a kind of family tree that shows how everyone is connected so I might have to have a look at that before the next Puckboy book!

Eden Finley and Saxon James are a magic combination and this book is no exception. A worthy addition to the entire series and I look forward to the next one.

Thursday, 8 August 2024

Forgotten Romance by Saxon James (Divorced Men's Club Book #6)

TITLE: ⟫ Forgotten Romance

AUTHOR: ⟫ Saxon James

SERIES: ⟫ Divorced Men’s Club Book #6

RATING: ⟫ 4.5/5

BLURB: ⟫ Davey

In a list of what’s most important to me, three things are right up there at the top. My kids, my husband Mack, and my career I’ve spent my life building. Unfortunately that career has me away from home more than I'd like, and when I refuse to walk away from it, my husband walks away from me instead.

Living together post-divorce makes sense for us, but it blurs the lines between what we were and what we have. Now that I’ve scored a big promotion and negotiated twelve long weeks at home, memories of our life together haunt me. They make me long for what we had. And now that Mack is moving on with someone else, I’m being faced with the cold truth. I should never have let Mack go, and now it might be too late to get him back.


Twelve weeks. It’s the longest Davey has been home since we had the kids, and all it does is remind me of everything I wish I still had. So I decide this is it. I have twelve weeks to remind Davey of everything he lost and hope like hell when I give him the choice between work and me again, that this time he chooses me.

None of my friends are on board with my plan, and the new guy in town is trying his hardest to win me over. But I can ignore cute notes slipped into my favourite books if it means getting back the man I’ll love forever.

All I need to do is remind him our life together was perfect.

Now if only our kids, our friends, and his work would get the memo …

REVIEW: ⟫ I can’t believe this series has come to an end! But what an ending – Davey and Mack broke my heart more than once reading this. I loved, loved, loved that this was a journey of self-discovery for both of them; that they both separately and together realised that what happened in the past was both of their responsibility; I loved all of their friends doing their best to support them – whether it was together or apart.

Saxon James has a way of writing characters that feel very real – their banter, their feelings, emotions – how they handle what life throws at them. It’s not always a simple journey, and in this case Mack and his need for Davey to love him above all else comes up against the brick wall of Davey’s need to provide for his family. Neither of them are actively wrong, but neither of them are right either. And this story is all about them figuring out how to mesh their lives together for good this time, without losing what makes each of them special.

I have loved this series as it is has merely affirmed my love of Saxon’s writing. I’m sad to leave this series behind but extremely happy with how it ended.

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

A Stealthy Situation by Saxon James (Franklin U 2 Book #2)

TITLE: ⟫ A Stealthy Situation

AUTHOR: ⟫ Saxon James

SERIES: ⟫ Franklin U 2 Book #2

RATING: ⟫ 4/5


My life’s goal? Make plants fun!

I’m gonna be fighting for flora when I’m older and it all starts with auditing stats so I can level up for my masters, and lucky for me, the intriguing guy in my class is a math whizz.

He’s standoffish at first, but after a class where I bet my sitcoms can make him laugh, one bet leads to another and we’re hanging out all the time. Even though I know he’s interested in me, we’re easy friends, until I start to think I might be a little interested in him, too.

The only problem? He seems like a totally different guy in class to when we hang out. I brush it off as him trying to concentrate, but then I spot something I can’t explain away.

A scar. On his palm.

One I’m positive Benny has never had before.


Since we were little, my twin brother and I have always switched things up–literally. It started as funsies, and now we’re college juniors and still taking each other’s classes. I suck at Math, he sucks at English, and we both have a rule not to make friends in class as the other person. Our system is perfect.

Only Emmett has the audacity to get sick right before stats and I have to actually show up for my own class–where I meet my future husband.

Harrison is smart, weirdly into plants, and we instantly hit it off like old friends.

Only of course the gorgeous mountain of a nerd is straight.

Just when I’m telling myself to let my dreams of matching rings go, our text messages become constant, flirtier, deeper than I’ve had with any other guy before. My butterflies have butterflies every time we catch up.

And then I get a text from Emmett: I’m so sorry. I think I messed up.

REVIEW: ⟫ How lovely it was to read the beginning of the twins’ story. Emmett and Benny basically come from Hockey royalty, so the decision to run away from all of that hockey was a difficult one. Benny is doing okay for himself – he loves his frat, enjoys most of his college work, and is happy with his various hook-ups.

Until he meets Harrison when he is forced to actually attend one of his stats lectures. And suddenly, he’s doing and wanting things that he’s never wanted before. And that’s not even taking into account that Harrison has always previously identified as straight. The relationship between the two of them is an absolute delight, made even more so by the fact that Benny seems to be allergic to ‘love’ and being nice, whereas Harrison is the sweetest, most cheerful, cinnamon roll!

All looks like it might turn out pretty damned good until Emmett returns to stats class and Harrison notices something awry. That opens a whole new can of worms that it took some real effort to get through. I appreciated the fact that Harrison is prepared to accept the new ‘him’, support Benny and try to understand the twins’ actions without judging them too harshly. And the resolution – what we see of it – made me quite happy. I definitely feel like things were left up in the air because of Emmett but look forward to where Saxon James is going to take things for the Dalton twins.

A fun, satisfying read and a worthy addition to the Franklin U 2 series.

Thursday, 18 April 2024

Bromantic Puckboys by Eden Finley & Saxon James

TITLE: ⟫ Bromantic Puckboy

AUTHOR: ⟫ Eden Finley & Saxon James

SERIES: ⟫ Puckboys Book #6

RATING: ⟫ 4.5/5


The idea of moving away from Seattle was a joke at first.

I have too many failed relationships here. Too much baggage.

So when I find myself signing with Nashville and leaving everything behind, I’m hopeful a new start will cure me of my attachment problems.

I fall fast and hard, and I’m quickly realizing it’s not so easy to escape my emotional damage. That follows no matter where I go.

When my new teammate, rookie goalie Miles Olsen, attaches himself to my side, the media are excited to exploit our bromance. Little do they know, he’s doing me a favor by keeping me away from making mistakes with women.

That’s the deal we made at the beginning of the season, but as time goes on, and we’re both going through a dry spell, Miles suggests a different arrangement. One I’ve never contemplated. One I shouldn’t consider.

One I can’t stop thinking about.


My first day as starting goalie for Tennessee is made mildly more terrifying by coming face to face with NHL veteran Cody Bilson. Hero worship? Me? Never!

He reminds me of my old frat buddies; loyal, kind, easy to trade banter with. But my dude is lost and trying to find himself again--without getting married this time.

I want to help him, and while my suggestion might not be conventional, it sure as hell is effective. The only way to make sure he doesn't marry a woman again? Blow off steam with a man instead.

We're both straight, we're both single, and we're both down for a good time.

After all, what are teammates for?

REVIEW: ⟫ This book was an absolute delight! Bilson isn’t just unlucky in love – he’s an absolute idiot about it, and he’s self aware enough to know that something has to change. Moving cities and teams, he decides he needs to work on himself and his abandonment issues but finds that it can be a lonely road he’s walking. Miles has finally stepped up to the big leagues – this is his chance to show what he can do in the goal and he’s determined to start things off on the right foot.

I adored both of these men for different reasons. Bilson because he’s putting in the work to figure himself out, despite how hard it’s proving to be. Moving cities to get away from his four exes and find himself is drastic but necessary, and I admire that about him. Miles is cocky, self assured, a little submissive, and more than a little eager to please. He’s the weird youngest kid who despite appearances to the contrary, isn’t sure of who he is or who he wants to be.

Put the two of them together and from the very beginning, the wise-cracks and banter take off and they never stop. It’s not even about an unconventional attraction – neither of them takes the time to think about just what it says about them that they are open to the idea of ‘helping each other out’.

Names and faces from the Queer Collective as well as Frat Wars appear aplenty, and life within the NHL as viewed through these eyes sounds like an absolute blast! We meet a few new people who I can only hope will feature in future books, but this is most definitely all about Bilson and Miles.

Their relationship is just so simple, even when it gets complicated, and I loved how in tune they were with each other, as well as their ability to be honest and open. From the very beginning, Bilson accepts all of Miles – whether it’s his rocks or Annette – and Miles gets Bilson in a way no one else ever has.

Really loved reading this and it made me want to re-read the rest of the Puckboys and maybe go back a little further to Frat Wars and beyond! An easy 5/5 from me.

Friday, 22 March 2024

The Revenge Agenda by Saxon James (Accidental Love #3)

TITLE: ⟫ The Revenge Agenda

AUTHOR: ⟫ Saxon James

SERIES: ⟫ Accidental Love #3

RATING: ⟫ 4/5


When I show up to surprise my boyfriend in a barely-there festive outfit, I’m expecting him to be alone.

Not hosting family.

His fiancé’s family.

Down one boyfriend and up a lot of embarrassment, I flee with my tail between my legs. The broken heart will fade. My humiliation, not so much, but my saving grace is the fact that I never have to see either of them ever, ever again.

Until I walk into work and come face to face with my new boss.


I never, in a million years, would have guessed the man hiding under his desk at work would be the one person I hoped to never see again.

My ex-fiancé’s side piece.

Apparently I can’t fire the guy because of personal issues, so I try to play nice, which is a whole lot harder to do when I find out my ex is still texting Rush. The same ex I haven’t heard from since I walked out on his begging.

Rush tells me he didn’t know about me. He tells me there were others. He also tells me our ex still wants him and so, we come up with a plan. To show him what it feels like when you want someone who doesn’t want you back.

All we need is a camera. His number. And one shared kiss.

Revenge has never been sweeter.

REVIEW: ⟫ This story was all kinds of sweet! Rush is an absolute darling (as are all of the other Bertha Boys) and it broke my heart when he seemed to accept what Ian had done to him – his view of himself is severely skewed because of his ADHD and the belief that no one would be willing to put up with the way his mind works.

Until, strangest of all things, the man who should by rights absolutely hate him seems to ‘get’ him better than anyone else in the world and he makes Rush feel calm and safe. How else can he repay Hunter for this than by helping him get a little revenge on Ian?

Hunter made me laugh – mainly because of his confusion about Rush and how he found himself dragged into an adventure and relationship almost against his will. I loved how supportive he was of Rush and the way his mind worked (P.L. Ant will live on in my heart forever), his willingness to be open to new suggestions both at work and in his private life, and for the way he saw the Bertha Boys – naked, inappropriate, scary – but ultimately quite possibly the best found family he could have hoped for.

I really enjoyed reading this book, catching up with the other boys and learning more about Rush. The romance was sweet, sexy and steamy and the way in which they got their revenge against Ian was absolutely brilliant. A very good addition to the series and I look forward to reading more about how Xander and the others find their own, well-deserved happily ever after.

Sunday, 22 October 2023

Clueless Puckboy by Eden Finley and Saxon James (Puckboys #5)

TITLE: ⟫ Clueless Puckboy (Puckboys #5)

AUTHOR: ⟫ Eden Finley & Saxon James

RATING: ⟫ 4/5


Straining my groin is bad enough. It puts my hockey career, my future, but even worse, my dignity on the line. Having to get massages in that area from Vance Landon, one of the team trainers, is mortifying. It’s impossible to hide my feelings toward him. If my constant blushing and bumbling doesn’t give it away, my body does. It’s getting to the point where I wonder if hockey is even worth the embarrassment.

Trying to avoid him only makes him seek me out more. He’s determined to rehab my injury, but all I want is for him to leave me alone. Or fall for me. One or the other.


Ayri Quinn isn’t your typical jock … except for the fact he refuses to admit when he’s injured. I’ve seen more than enough professional sportsmen lose the career they love due to injury, and I’m not having it happen again. Especially not when the guy in question happens to be the sweetest, most awkward, innocent jock I’ve ever met.

When a night out leads to Quinn re-injuring himself, I create a care plan that keeps me hands on, literally. Unfortunately, working with him in close proximity brings all those feelings I’ve been trying to ignore to the surface. I just need to get him better so he can be back on the ice and out of my bed. Ah, my massage bed. Because if this goes on any longer, I might mean my actual bed. Ayri Quinn is impossible to resist.

REVIEW: ⟫ This was a lovely, low-angst, amusing read in the style we’ve come to expect from the authors.

Poor Quinn – I felt for him, especially with the heckling he received for his facial hair and just in general. Add to that his complete and utter inability to use his words when around Vance and he made me laugh far too much. Vance not realising the reason for Quinn’s ‘man reactions’ whenever he worked on him also made me laugh, especially when it became obvious that absolutely everyone else knew what was going on.

I enjoyed this story – I liked the way it played out with everyone being adult about things, no ridiculous misunderstandings and people using their words. Amusing, sexy and fresh, this was a lovely read and an excellent addition to the Puckboy series.

Monday, 4 September 2023

Not Dating Material by Saxon James (Accidental Love #2)

TITLE: ⟫ Not Dating Material (Accidental Love #2)

AUTHOR: ⟫ Saxon James

RATING: ⟫ 4.5/5


Moving to Seattle is supposed to be all about getting a fresh start and leaving the bitter man I was becoming behind.

I have new room-mates–quirky, sometimes strange, room-mates–a nosy, next door neighbor and a grumpy kitty for company, but even surrounded by people, I still don’t feel like I belong. Plus, it turns out the men in Seattle are exactly the same as the ones I left behind, and my string of romantic disconnections continues.

It’s not until one of my room-mates, Seven, hits me with some hard truths that I realize where I was going wrong.

Maybe the men aren’t the problem.

I am.

And there’s only one way to fix that.


Being found tied up naked to my bed by my cute new room-mate isn’t an ideal way for us to start a friendship.

But apparently a quid-pro-quo is.

He keeps his pretty lips zipped about the compromising position, and I step in as his dating coach. We go out, I point out where he’s going wrong, and he magically becomes dating material.

The problem is, between my codependent brother Xander and a new best friend I can’t get rid of, Molly and I are the target of a matchmaking scheme. My life is way too busy to add another person to it, and Molly is the kinda guy who needs to be made a priority, which I just can’t do. Xander’s medical anxiety takes up too much of my time, and I’ve never found a partner who doesn’t resent it.

I’m determined to help Molly find his ever after.

But that guy will never be me.

REVIEWS: ⟫ I really wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about Molly after his appearance in Ford and Orson’s story, but Saxon made me feel so bad for him that I forgave his rash behaviour. He’s moved all the way to Seattle to get a fresh start, and what a start – meeting the boys from Big Bertha is an eye opener in so many ways.

I enjoyed how vulnerable Saxon allowed Seven to be – he presented as this big, tough guy, covered in tattoos and intimidating until you got to learn more about him. Refusing to swear, his badly hidden inner marshmallow and just the way he was always there for any of the boys (and Aggie) made me fall in love with him.

I liked the way in which the subject of Seven’s no dating rule was brought up – he thought he was being upfront, honest and direct whereas throughout the book, we see that HE might not have thought he was dating people, but others were not quite so sure.

There was background angst, especially with regard to Xander and Seven, but it didn’t really filter through to the main story – it more formed a background thread that you were aware of but didn’t have to suffer through. I loved the dates that Seven and Molly had; loved the way that Seven helped Molly build his confidence; the relationship between Molly, Seven and Xander; and the return to Big Bertha.

One of my favourite parts was when Madden asked Rush how come, if he wasn’t aware of the no-sleeping with room-mates rules, then how come he hadn’t made a move on Madden – that made me laugh so hard, although what a knock to Madden’s ego! I’m looking forward to more in the Accidental Love verse, especially after Seven met Molly’s dad and his initial reaction – that too made me giggle, and I loved the ease with which the two verses intermingled.

This book kept me entertained and gave me a HEA I could sigh happily about after reading and I can’t ask for more than that!

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Budding Attraction by Saxon James (Divorced Men's Club #3)

Title: ⟫ Budding Attraction (Divorced Men’s Club #3)

Authors: ⟫ Saxon James


I’ve never thought much about Orson Naples.

He’s a cute guy who I’d seen around town a few times, but then one day he up and left and didn’t reappear until a few years later. No one knows where he went or what he was doing, all this gossipy town knows is that he’s a widower, owns the florist, and is friends with that divorced group that hang out at the Killer Brew all the time.

But then one day I step into his flower shop and go from rarely thinking about him, to him constantly being on my mind.

There’s a restlessness to him that I’m dying to unlock answers to.

And his eyes linger on me a little too long for a straight man …


Ford Thomas is a pest. A delightful one. A tempting one. But I’m too old for games.

The ones I’ve played in the past have always led me to trouble which is why I vowed to settle down and live a quiet life.

So when Ford walks into my shop all uncontained energy and flirty quips in a pair of heavy work boots, I know I should show him the door.

I don’t need fun. I don’t need experiences.

Especially when those experiences have me questioning things I thought I knew about myself.

Review: ⟫ This was not what I expected at all but I loved it.

Orson wasn’t even bi-curious when things began between he and Ford and I loved reading about this man who had been all the way to the bottom who was willing to open his mind and his heart to something completely out of the realm of his experience.

The descriptions of Ford have always made my brain go ‘yum’ and this story completely solidified that. A gentle giant – with a past – I loved how respectful he was of Orson’s previous life experiences, of the fact that all they might share was friendship, and their journey together.

Other members of the DMC featured as usual (please, when are we getting Art’s story?) and their helpfulness if you want to call it that was appreciated. I loved Ford and Orson’s interactions with the kids building cars – it was wholesome, cheeky and irreverent in a way that definitely reminds me of my experiences with teenagers.

I readily admit that in my mind, Orson’s Pour Some Sugar on me moments could have featured in a Magic Mike film, and I truly loved the banter between these two guys. The friendship that grew between them was just awesome and I enjoyed every page of this book. Really looking forward to reading more and I am a certified member of the Saxon James fan club!

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Platonic Rulebook by Saxon James (Divorced Mens Cliub #2)

Title: ⟫ Platonic Rulebook (Divorced Mens Club #2)

Author: ⟫ Saxon James

Blurb: ⟫ Griff:

Walking away from my marriage was my idea of a fresh start.

My kid is in college, my ex-wife and I are on good terms … but being single in my forties is a world different to being single in my teens.

I’m thankful for my best friend, Heath. He’s got my back like he always does and is ready to take me out and show me how the bachelor life is done.

He was never supposed to show me literally.

After we wake up in bed together, I can’t stop looking at him differently, and one thing becomes abundantly clear.

I talk a big talk about wanting to be single, but my platonic rule book has gone out the window.


When my best friend comes to me for help post-divorce, I’m only too happy to impart my wisdom to him.

After all, Griffin isn’t my type, but even I can tell he’s a complete lumbersnack. Good with his hands, kind eyes, and a killer smile. All the guys and gals are gonna eat him alive.

But the more time we spend together, the less “not my type” he becomes. I’m the one who can’t get enough of him.

Neither of us is interested in a relationship, so what’s a little fun between friends?

We both know the score.

Review: ⟫ Saxon James has rapidly become an auto-buy for me. I love the style of writing, whether it’s hockey players or friends to lovers – I know I’m in for a lovely ride, with maybe a little angst but ultimately a satisfying HEA. And book two in the Divorced Mens Club doesn’t disappoint.

Griff and Heath are so obviously each other’s person that it’s a wonder it took them so long to get together. Although, obviously with Griff being married there was that in the way. There is no cheating in this book – Griff’s marriage is well and truly over before he and Heath begin their no-strings relationship.

My only gripes were with Poppy and Felix. Poppy because she threw Griff in at the deep end with the hotel they managed together and seemed to want him to fail – that seemed more than a bit mean, and Heath was justifiably ticked by it. Felix annoyed the heck out of me, but I guess we’re all a bit dramatic at 18, so I’ll cut him some slack.

Payne was back from the first book, and there were some delicious hints about the other members of the DMC which has whetted my appetite for future books. Fun, hot, sexy and satisfying, I happily recommend this one to add to your TBR.

Friday, 21 October 2022

Presidential Chaos by Saxon James (Frat Wars #3)

 ⟫ Presidential Chaos (Frat Wars #3)
Author: ⟫ Saxon James
Blurb: ⟫ Two houses. Two Presidents. One hell of a happy ending.


Being President of a frat house means everything is on my shoulders.

Idiot brothers, epic pranks, a list of organizational duties long enough to make my eyes bleed.

None of it fazes me.

But senior year is almost over, and I’m ready to take a step back.

Until the hazing rumors start.

I might not know where they’re coming from, but I know they’re total BS.

Now, instead of dialling back the stress, we’ve broken the number one rule on the row: Don’t get the dean’s attention.

I need to find out who’s driving the lies.

And all evidence points to one person.


I never wanted to become Kappa President.

The appointment was made easier, though, when none other than Zeke Ariston took over Sigma house. I’ve always been … drawn to him.


And maybe a little attracted too.

Pity I’ve never been more than an afterthought to him.

But when rumors start to circulate about hazing, and the sources lead back to my house, it puts me square on Zeke’s radar.

I want to help him get to the bottom of it all.

And with his attention finally on me, I want to tell him how I feel.

The guys on Greek Row meet their chaotic conclusion with this rivals-to-lovers romance full of pranks, shared hoodies, and secret meetings made in the dark.

Review: ⟫ Okay, I’ll admit it – I downloaded this book pretty much one minute after midnight because I was desperate to read it! And I stayed up all night so that I could finish it!

I did not want this to end because I absolutely adore the guys on Greek Row! I didn’t think anything could top that flash mob parade in the second book, but I am more than happy to admit that Zeke and Charlie may well own my heart! They were so hot together, so open to the idea of the secret they shared becoming more – there were very few misunderstandings, lots of communication, and lots and lots of yummy sex!

Characters from previous books make an appearance (obviously) and this was a delightful end to an entertaining, well-written series, I may re-read all of them because they were that enjoyable and am more than happy to recommend this book with a 5/5 from me!

Sunday, 16 October 2022

The Dating Disaster by Saxon James (Franklin U #2)

Title: ⟫ The Dating Disaster (Franklin U #2) 
Author: ⟫ Saxon James 
Rating: ⟫ 5/5 
Blurb:Thousands of students on this campus, and I keep being set up with the roommate I can’t stand. 

One date. 

 That’s how long it takes for Marshall Harrows to end up on my bad side. 

 Luckily I have no plans to see the giant teddy bear again. Except when he shows up as my new roommate, I can’t escape him, and he’s just as irritating as I thought he’d be. 

He leaves cupboards ajar and puts empty milk cartons back in the fridge. His bedroom door is always open, I find his underwear on the laundry floor, and he has this whole bashful sweetheart thing going on that I just … can’t … stand. 

But the most completely, horribly irritating thing about him is that he’s totally my type. And my friends won’t stop setting us up on blind dates. 


One date. 

That’s how long it took for Felix Andrews to steal my heart. 

The sparky little spitfire is everything I’m not. Confident, adorable, and completely outspoken. 

He also wants nothing to do with me. 

Which is a real problem when I want to give him everything. Including my virginity. But the more I try to gain his attention, the more I see the real him. The one who doesn’t feel worthy of being treated like anything other than a one-night stand. 

So I decide to take matters into my own hands. A total do-over. One night. One date. Where hopefully I can steal his heart too. 

Review: ⟫ Oh, this was a good one! If you have read any of Saxon James’ hockey books with Eden Finley, then you know the vibe that this book is going to have. And the fact that its’ a new series with different authors writing each book means you might find a new favourite. 

What I absolutely adored about this book (well part of what I adored) was that Felix and Marshall are part of previous books written by Saxon. So there are mentions of people you know and love from other books. You don’t have to have read them to make sense of this book, but it’s fun to play spot the character. 

There are also characters mentioned from throughout the series which makes sense since they are set in the same universe/time period. 

Marshall is solid – an all-around good guy, quietly confident in himself and aware that his attitude towards sex is not the norm for a lot of guys at college. 

He wants – needs it to mean something, which is part of why his first date with Felix is a complete and utter travesty. But something about Felix works its way into his brain, and suddenly they’re spending time together, getting to know each other and – well, most people would have realised they were dating without the sex but these two don’t! 

Felix is a sex-kitten, slightly battered in the self-esteem department, but confident of his attractions and determined to make the most of college. Until he realises he wants more and has to figure out a whole different way of approaching things. 

There were times when my heart bled for Felix because he was so down on himself (when he wanted Marshall to tuck him into bed and just wanted someone to snuggle with, my heart damned near broke). 

I loved Marshall carrying Felix around and enjoyed them getting to know each other. Sometimes the miscommunications made me want to slam their heads together, but that frustration was more than mitigated by my sheer love for the cast of characters, the situations they found themselves in, and just how darned cute these two were together. 

I am actually in the middle of reading Franklin U Book #1, and was pleased to spot Ty and Brax, and am quite looking forward to the new releases every week. But this one hit the spot in a way that only Saxon James can, and I was grinning by the time I reached the end. 

No surprise that I gave this a 5/5.