Showing posts with label Author: Howl Avery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Author: Howl Avery. Show all posts

Sunday 29 September 2024

Waves by Howl Avery (Inhuman Love Collection Book #1)

TITLE: ⟫ Waves

AUTHOR: ⟫ Howl Avery

SERIES: ⟫ Inhuman Love Collection Book #1

RATING: ⟫ 3/5

BLURB: ⟫ A year after ending his engagement a mere two days before the wedding, Ezra has settled into his new life: documenting the local seal population, walking the beaches with his black lab, or having lunch with his one remaining friend. Life is simple, quiet, and predictable until the day Ezra befriends a man who walks right out of the sea.

Kai has been alone for a long time—a very, very long time. So much so, he can’t remember living as anything but a seal or caring about anyone human. Until one day, he meets someone amid the ocean who drives his urge to return to land again.

Waves is a low-angst MM paranormal romance featuring a selkie and human pairing.

REVIEW: ⟫ This was a sweet, slightly strange love story between a marine biologist and a selkie. The connection between Ezra and Kai felt tenuous and there were times when I felt that the relationship between them just wasn’t for the best? I think Kai’s concerns about Ezra waiting for him constantly whilst he was in his seal form were valid – time passed differently, and although Kai truly cared for Ezra, when he was a seal that caring was very much in the back of his mind.

I think for me I found that I didn’t actually care very much about the relationship between the two leads. I found myself wondering so much more about Ezra’s relationship with Thom, how it ended and just why he wasn’t reporting Thom for his behaviour. I also struggled with what felt like Ezra’s self imposed loneliness – he had friends who made it so obvious that they cared about him, yet he constantly acted surprised that he had these friends.

I’m struggling with this review because I feel like it is a disconnect from my end rather than the actual story. Ezra was too easy-going about things but then he turned almost too much in the other direction, trying to force Kai to remain on land.

As I say, I think the disconnect is mine and that the story is well worth a look if you like the idea of a selkie falling in love with a human.