Thursday 8 August 2024

Forgotten Romance by Saxon James (Divorced Men's Club Book #6)

TITLE: ⟫ Forgotten Romance

AUTHOR: ⟫ Saxon James

SERIES: ⟫ Divorced Men’s Club Book #6

RATING: ⟫ 4.5/5

BLURB: ⟫ Davey

In a list of what’s most important to me, three things are right up there at the top. My kids, my husband Mack, and my career I’ve spent my life building. Unfortunately that career has me away from home more than I'd like, and when I refuse to walk away from it, my husband walks away from me instead.

Living together post-divorce makes sense for us, but it blurs the lines between what we were and what we have. Now that I’ve scored a big promotion and negotiated twelve long weeks at home, memories of our life together haunt me. They make me long for what we had. And now that Mack is moving on with someone else, I’m being faced with the cold truth. I should never have let Mack go, and now it might be too late to get him back.


Twelve weeks. It’s the longest Davey has been home since we had the kids, and all it does is remind me of everything I wish I still had. So I decide this is it. I have twelve weeks to remind Davey of everything he lost and hope like hell when I give him the choice between work and me again, that this time he chooses me.

None of my friends are on board with my plan, and the new guy in town is trying his hardest to win me over. But I can ignore cute notes slipped into my favourite books if it means getting back the man I’ll love forever.

All I need to do is remind him our life together was perfect.

Now if only our kids, our friends, and his work would get the memo …

REVIEW: ⟫ I can’t believe this series has come to an end! But what an ending – Davey and Mack broke my heart more than once reading this. I loved, loved, loved that this was a journey of self-discovery for both of them; that they both separately and together realised that what happened in the past was both of their responsibility; I loved all of their friends doing their best to support them – whether it was together or apart.

Saxon James has a way of writing characters that feel very real – their banter, their feelings, emotions – how they handle what life throws at them. It’s not always a simple journey, and in this case Mack and his need for Davey to love him above all else comes up against the brick wall of Davey’s need to provide for his family. Neither of them are actively wrong, but neither of them are right either. And this story is all about them figuring out how to mesh their lives together for good this time, without losing what makes each of them special.

I have loved this series as it is has merely affirmed my love of Saxon’s writing. I’m sad to leave this series behind but extremely happy with how it ended.

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