Saturday 14 September 2024

Sinful Crimes for the Artistically Inclined by W.H. Lockwood (Sinful Crimes Duology Book #1)

TITLE: ⟫ Sinful Crimes for the Artistically Inclined

AUTHOR: ⟫ W.H. Lockwood

SERIES: ⟫ The Sinful Crimes Duology Book #1

RATING: ⟫ 4/5

BLURB: ⟫ "It’s you and it’s you and it’s always been you…"

Catholic priest and exorcist Joe Bruno has been nursing a secret crush for months. All he can think about is too-sexy-for-words, demon-killing art historian Percy Ashdown.

One cataclysmic night, when Joe realises Percy’s about to slip from his grasp forever, he’s forced to lay his cards on Percy’s table. What Joe doesn’t know is that Percy’s dreamed of this moment since the day they met, and quicker than he can say Hail Mary, Percy whisks Joe away to Europe on the holiday of a lifetime.

The only problem is, Percy’s living a double life. And while he’s determined to keep his dark side hidden from his sweet priest, secrets soon start catching up with them. Before he knows it, the two are mired in crime, blood, and zombies.

As each disaster falls at their feet, Percy’s hapless and hilarious attempts to pretend to be good pull them both deeper into a web of lies, leaving Joe wondering, has he made the worst mistake of his life? Or could Percy really be the happy ending Joe’s always dreamed of?

REVIEW: ⟫ An absolute rollicking ride of a story, I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into! Percy and Joe are stupidly in love with each other – I say stupidly because they are both hiding things about themselves in an attempt to fit the ‘image’ of themselves they have presented.

On a number of heists, they get themselves into trouble with zombies, art theft, corrupt priests and human trafficking, and that’s not even getting into all of the dodgy stuff that Percy is involved in! The sex scenes were hot and steamy, with the chemistry between Percy and Joe burning up the page. This reads like a serialisation that has been compiled and I actually really enjoyed the format. It made me feel like I could dip in and out of the book and quickly find my place. There is some major violence, blood and gore (as to be expected with zombies and the like) but the humour permeates the entire story, and even whilst you’re shaking your head at this pair getting into scrapes, you can’t help but cheer them on in their adventures.

I’m looking forward to the second part of this duology which is due out in 2025. I received an ARC from the author.

Thursday 12 September 2024

Get a Fix by Mary Calmes (Torus Intercession Book #6)

TITLE: ⟫ Get a Fix

AUTHOR: ⟫ Mary Calmes

SERIES: ⟫ Torus Intercession Book #6

RATING: ⟫ 4/5

BLURB: ⟫ Simply because your world collides with a shooting star doesn’t mean that’s a sign, does it?

Cooper Davis has a nice life he’s quite fond of. He has a wonderful family, good friends, and a job he excels at. As a fixer with Torus Intercession, he’s entrusted with the well-being of the people relying on his guidance. He is protector, guardian, but most of all, as his boss always says, everyone needs to be better off once he leaves. The issue is, when he’s asked to watch over the actor Ashford Lennox, he’s not sure that leaving is what he wants to do.

Ashford Lennox is a movie star on the rise. He has everything he’s ever wanted, except someone to love and call his own. He’s learned over the years that home is not a place but sharing a life with one special person you can count on. When he meets the man tasked with keeping him safe during a wedding, it’s like a lightning bolt. Suddenly he can see his whole future unfolding.

Being on the same page is an epiphany for both, now if they could just make it to the happily ever after without getting shot…

REVIEW: ⟫ You know exactly what you’re getting when you read a Mary Calmes book, and boo six in this series is no different! There’s an element of insta-love (or more love with intense like) and I really appreciated how open and honest both male leads were with how they felt – from the moment they met, Cooper and Ash were utterly out there with each other and it was refreshing.

The normal case of fun characters, along with a hateful ex, and a background plot that included murder, fraud and international issues, and this was an enjoyable romp that was exactly what I was in the mood for!

Saturday 31 August 2024

Changing the Game by J.J. Mulder (Offsides Book #1)

TITLE: ⟫ Changing the Game

AUTHOR: ⟫ J.J. Mulder

SERIES: ⟫ Offsides Book #1

RATING: ⟫ 4/5

BLURB: ⟫ Former college hockey player, Sam Jameson, is coming off of a bad summer. After the derailment of his hockey dreams, and a nasty breakup with his girlfriend, he's ready to put his head down and work hard for the South Carolina NHL team. He doesn't count on Troy Nichols, though.

Troy, the star forward for the team, is unexpected in more ways than one. And when sparks fly between the pair, there seems little sense in holding back. Can they make it work, or is this little more than a rebound?

A low angst MM hockey romance. Just a happy, feel-good story about two men falling in love.

REVIEW: ⟫ Well, I’ve been sick again so I needed a nice and easy, feel-good story and this one delivered. The relationship between Sam and Troy was so lovely to read – they were open, honest, caring and very present for each other. There was no subterfuge, no last minute misunderstandings – the author did exactly what they said they would and provided a happy, feel-good story about two men falling in love and I truly enjoyed reading it.

Romeo Falling by Jesse H. Reign

TITLE: ⟫ Romeo Falling

AUTHOR: ⟫ Jesse H. Reign

RATING: ⟫ 5/5

BLURB:What happens when he’s your Romeo…but you’re no Juliet?

Romeo and I were friends long before we were lovers. Best friends. Ride or die. What started as an innocent kiss slowly unraveled and shattered, giving way to years of tears and total obsession.

Now I’m back in the small town I call home, staring straight into the face of the only man I’ve ever loved…or hated. To make matters worse, his wife stands at his side, smiling sweetly as my heart breaks all over again.

When life throws us back together, cracks quickly start to appear in the perfect façade of their marriage, and I’m left fighting the unstoppable force that is my attraction to Romeo.

My enemy.

My lover.

My life.

Some say fate is written in the stars and once something is done, it can’t be undone.

But what if that isn’t true?

If you could rewrite the stars and unbreak your heart, would you?

REVIEW: ⟫ I wasn’t expecting this to make me bawl – I really wasn’t expecting it to hit me so hard. Jesse H. Reign builds the story of Romeo and Jude slowly, so simply and easily that when the fall-out happens, it’s devastating. I was literally sobbing when the photographs on his cell-phone were revealed. I don’t want to inadvertently do any spoilers because I think this story needs to be approached completely fresh and unspoiled.

Think childhood friends to lovers, with misunderstandings and heartbreak before they finally find their way back to each other – it’s the simplest way I can describe something so complicated, painful and sometimes enraging! I loved both characters – I loved how complex they were, how easy it was to see how they felt about each other. I loved the fact that Jude came across as clear and open before you realise that he is much more closed off than originally appears – so much of his thoughts and feelings are in his head and he expected Romeo to understand and realise what was going on.

I especially loved Romeo but I cannot explain why. He could have been annoying, too easy-going, unable to open up but he was actually the easiest for me to understand after it all.

There is no attempt to hide the ‘wrong’ things that happen and perhaps it would have been interesting in the epilogue to find out what happened with the situation back in Alabaster, but overall, I absolutely adored this book and cannot recommend it enough.

Save the Game by J.J. Mulder (SCU Hockey Book #2)

TITLE: ⟫ Save the Game

AUTHOR: ⟫ J.J. Mulder

SERIES: ⟫ SCU Hockey Book #2

RATING: ⟫ 4.5/5

BLURB: ⟫ After a traumatizing event and rough sophomore year, Max Kuemper does his best to keep his head down and not draw attention to himself. School and hockey are the only two things he can handle; it’s all he can do to keep himself afloat. He wants to forget about what happened to him and bring the secret to his grave.

Confident and flirty Luke Kelly likes to play the field—dating as well as baseball. When he meets Max during a night shift at work, he takes an instant liking to him, despite the other man’s reserved exterior and shy personality.

But secrets have a way of coming to light, and both Max and Luke will have to come to terms with what that means for their relationship.

REVIEW: ⟫ By no means the easiest thing to write about, I can only say how impressed I was by how J.J Mulder handled this issue. The manner in which we get to see and feel how Max is handling things, as well as Marcos, was incredibly touching and I admit, I spent a lot of times on the verge of tears whilst reading this book.

Luke was incredibly special. He went from being a cheerful, easy going, almost light figure to someone that Max could rely on for understanding, assistance and love and the two of them together made me feel so hopeful. They didn’t try to pretend that things weren’t difficult, weren’t perfect, needed breaks, but ultimately it felt like they were fighting together for something and I found this so precious, so special.

It was lovely to see Carter and Zeke again and I enjoyed the fact that it was a cameo that let us know how they were doing without making it feel like they were horning in on Max’s book. I really AM going to read the Coach’s book but my TBR pile is teeteringly tall so it may take a while, but I have promised myself it’s going to happen!!

I hope we get more from SCU Hockey because the people feel so real – faults and all – but ultimately the kind of people you want at your back.

Monday 26 August 2024

Beyond Reason by Lee McCormick (Beyond Book #2)

TITLE: ⟫ Beyond Reason

AUTHOR: ⟫ Lee McCormick

SERIES: ⟫ Beyond Book #2

RATING: ⟫4.5 /5

BLURB:Sometimes the hardest thing is being the only one left alive.

Axel Fetterman: The Cleaner

Twenty-two years ago, my world ended. I was called to a scene to find the man I loved, cold and lifeless, on the ground. Every moment between now and then has been nothing more than existing between one breath and the next while dealing with the grief of losing the one person I couldn’t live without.

When a man shows up at my door telling me he’s Xavier, I don’t know what to believe. On one hand, it’s impossible—on the other, I’ve never met another person who makes me burn the way he does. Is believing in the impossible too good to be true?

Xavier Benham: The Killer For Hire

Twenty-two years ago, I died. I don’t know how, and I don’t know why, but I’m alive again. Whatever screwed-up experiment brought me here, I won’t waste the opportunity. I can’t remember most of my life. I can’t remember much, but I can remember him.


I’ll do whatever I have to if it means getting back to him, and whatever it takes to become the man I used to be. The only thing standing in my way is the company that brought me back and their determination to rectify their mistake.


Beyond Reason is a dual POV dark romance with a twist on soulmates that answers the question of how long a man can wait for the person he’s destined to be with. Prepare yourself for angst, high heat, high emotions, and a killer for hire who is suddenly thrown into a world he doesn’t understand. Guaranteed HEA with a universe that’s wide open for exploration! Best read after Beyond Time.

REVIEW: ⟫ No, like seriously, who do we have to kill to get a TV series made about these books? I need this in my life – for science or whatever! This book was explosive from the beginning – Xavier and Axel do not have the healthiest relationship – think slamming each other into things, weaponry, lots of kinky sex – and yet by the end of this book, they were pretty much relationship goals. Alongside Seth and Kade – oh my, my appreciation for Seth actually grew.

Apart from the insane relationship dynamics, choosing who I wanted for the next instalment, and biting my nails waiting to see just how damaged these guys were going to be by the time they got their happily ever after (in this lifetime), the plot kept me fascinated, the ideas behind the science were intriguing and troubling, and my admiration for the world that Lee McCormick has created just grew exponentially. If you have read the previous Beyond book, you know the premise, but I still don’t think you’re ready for this ride.

There were times I wanted to kill Xavier myself – he sometimes was more annoying than Kade and that’s saying something – but ultimately, I finished this cheering despite being sick with COVID (again). Petition to live in Lee McCormick’s brain alongside her characters but not as one of the bad bad guys please!

I received an ARC from GRR.

Thursday 22 August 2024

The Haunted Hotel by Vawn Cassidy (Crawshanks Guide to Mischievous Spectres and Spirits Book #1)

TITLE: ⟫ The Haunted Hotel

AUTHOR: ⟫ Vawn Cassidy

SERIES: ⟫ Crawshanks Guide to Mischievous Spectres and Spirits Book #1

RATING: ⟫ 4.5/5

BLURB: ⟫ Have a frightfully good stay…

Morgan Ashton-Drake hasn’t given his ancestral family home in Yorkshire a second thought in decades, even if it is technically part of his hotel empire. He has a great life in the States, so what if he works eighteen hour days seven days a week? you don’t get and keep a place on the Forbes 500 list unless you’re prepared to sweat blood.

But when a suspicious death and rather public scandal at his childhood home forces Morgan to return to England for the first time in years he’s determined to close the hotel which has been a millstone around his family’s neck for centuries. What he didn’t count on was the seriously cute little blonde disaster who seems to be single handedly running his grandfather’s hotel.

Ellis Sparks has worked at the Ashton-Drake Manor House Hotel since he was sixteen and he loves it from the bottom of his soul. Always the eternal optimist and ray of sunshine, he’s never met a frown he can’t turn upside down, that is until he meets Morgan Ashton-Drake the grumpy, silver fox grandson of his employer.

With barely any staff and unable to attract or keep guests, Morgan is determined to close the hotel for good and Ellis is just as determined to convince him otherwise, but when strange things occur, Morgan begins to wonder if there’s more to this eccentric hotel than he thought.

From the creator of Dead Serious comes this hilarious grumpy/sunshine spin off which will leave you wanting to book your own room at The Ashton-Drake Manor House Hotel.

REVIEW: ⟫ Set in the same world as the Dead Serious verse, this a new series from Vawn Cassidy, complete with ghosts, twinks, all kinds of rules and regulations and shenanigans! This is very much an ensemble piece, with the main romantic character playing off beautifully against the backdrop of ghosts who have broken the rules, a beautiful old home that needs saving, and family.

I loved these characters when they appeared in Dead Serious – who isn’t going to fall in love with a Bartender that can barely see over the bar and never speaks? And as for John the Maid? I’d love him to take care of my home!

The actual plot is very simple – Morgan has come to the hotel to figure out what’s going on and perhaps find out what happened there when he grew up. He has a grumpy exterior yet you watch as he falls in love with the hotel, the staff, his grandfather but most of all Ellis. Ellis is a literal ray of sunshine and the grumpy/sunshine trope shines in this introduction to the new verse.

Special mention to Warren for his meddling ways and inappropriate commentary! If you’ve read any of the author’s other works, you’ll know the kind of banter to expect, the sexy scenes and the romance that permeates the whole story. I loved reading this story – it was absolutely everything I needed as I recover from COVID. Looking forward to reading more and can highly recommend.

I received an ARC from the author.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Divine Heart by Garrett Leigh (Rebel Kings MC Book #8)

TITLE: ⟫ Divine Heart

AUTHOR: ⟫ Garrett Leigh

SERIES: ⟫ Rebel Kings Book #8

RATING: ⟫ 5/5

BLURB: ⟫ The bestselling Rebel Kings MC series returns with Ranger and Viktor’s long awaited love story. Expect: a damaged Russian mobster and grouchy nomad. Hurt comfort, second chances, forced proximity. Love ain’t true if it doesn’t hurt.


The message from my brother lies bold and bright on the screen.

This will be it.

Four words that could mean the end or the beginning. And for many years, as long as my sister was safe, I hadn’t much cared which. But as my gaze falls on the woven thread knotted at my wrist and the rough diamond of a man sleeping beside me, I realise everything has changed.


I want more than a hot summer with him. A handful of stolen nights. I don’t deserve him—no one does. But true to the fear I’ve carried since I met him, I can’t give him up.

We survive together, or we die.

And if we live?

I will love his divine heart forever.

Divine Heart is the eighth book in the Rebel Kings MC series. A sizzling MM love story with all the trigger warnings you’d expect from a gripping biker romance.

REVIEW: ⟫ Oh my heart!! I have been saving this ARC for when I really and truly felt I could give it my full attention – COVID and an ear infection, followed by an eye infection has made reading a chore. But it was so incredibly worth the weight.

This wasn’t the action-based story that the last few stories in the Rebel Kings series has been – this was all about the heart, about trust, about making the people you love safe. Ranger and Vik wormed their way into my heart in much the way other characters by Garrett Leigh have done, and I shall keep them safe – rereading their time spent on Satsuma Island as they let down their guard, shared their fears and became one of the absolute best couples in this series.

We have the Russian mafia, Albanians, Alexei, Cam and Saint, children, the most perfect dog in existence and we have a love story that made me tear up more than once. I cannot believe what a stranglehold this book had on me – I began reading it at 11.30 am and finished it just after 2 pm. I feel like I have lived a thousand lives reading this. I was scared about who we might lose and how we might lose them; entranced by the lives that are being built by the Rebel Kings, and in awe of the family Garrett Leigh has written.

I know that there are a couple of stories still to be told – specifically what was happening in places other than Satsuma Island, and I have a hankering to see if Jake ever gets a happily ever after – but either way, this was a perfect, albeit bittersweet, ending to the Rebels’ saga. I’m listening to Sinead O Connor, Nothing Compares to U whilst I am writing this review and it is incredibly apt – I can’t think of another series out there that compares to this one.

I received an ARC from GRR.

Sunday 18 August 2024

His Mate By Vengeance by Mel Aitchess (Lunetti Pack Book #1)

TITLE: ⟫ His Mate by Vengeance

AUTHOR: ⟫ Mel Aitchess

SERIES: ⟫ Lunetti Pack Book #1

RATING: ⟫ 4/5

BLURB: ⟫ I have lived for centuries. I have used and been used. Had countless lovers. And I have never wanted more. Not once. Not until today. Not until you.

Angelo is a protector—head of the Lunetti Pack's security. He walks a delicate line avoiding the darker side of his mafia shifter pack's business, but there's no grey area in his hatred of vampires. Not after what they did to his family. When his Alpha orders him to keep one safe, it takes everything in him to obey. So, why is his wolf so intoxicated by the sassy vampire assassin's scent permeating the safe house? And did there have to be only one damn bed?

Vin doesn't know who's trying to frame him for the bombing targeting the head of the local vampire coven, but he's got the skills and ruthlessness to figure it out. When he called in a favour for somewhere to lay low, he hadn't intended it to come equipped with a wolf shifter bodyguard, but he isn't complaining. Angelo is as easy on the eyes as he is to rile up. Seduction is a game and Vin's always loved a challenge.

Until Angelo does something no one ever has before. He cares.

Now, all bets are off. Angelo is his.

His Mate By Vengeance is a steamy enemies to lovers, fated mates, MM paranormal romance between a grumpy wolf shifter and a murder sunshine vampire assassin. It features forced proximity, only one bed, and knotting. There is no mpreg in this world

REVIEW: ⟫ This was so much fun to read! Vin is witty, quick thinking, lethal and caring. Angelo is the definition of a grumpy marshmallow – even his position as enforcer doesn’t change the fact that he doesn’t kill without reason. Angelo has plenty of reasons to hate vampires, but what I absolutely adored about this book was the way his other half, his wolf, fell for Vin completely and utterly from the beginning and had no problems showing it. The tail wagging, head butting, providing food – all of it made me grin.

The background story was also interesting and I really enjoyed the world building as we learned about the vampires, witches and wolves in this new (to me) series. It was a very easy, quick read, enjoyable without too much angst, with some spicy scenes that were nicely written. The descriptors had this playing in my head like a movie and I very much enjoyed the scenery that was painted for us!

Have joined the author’s newsletter and looking forward to the next in the series. I received an ARC from GRR.

Friday 16 August 2024

The Former Fake Boyfriend by Maya Jean (Sweet Southern Book #2)

TITLE: ⟫ The Former Fake Boyfriend

AUTHOR: ⟫ Maya Jean

SERIES: ⟫ Sweet Southern Book #2

RATING: ⟫ 4/5

BLURB: ⟫ Beau

The strong one. The dependable one. Eldest son. Big brother. Now the family farm is mine to run. My entire life is centered around others. To keep the attention off me at my baby sister’s wedding, I impulsively hire a fake boyfriend to give the pretense of happiness. What I don’t expect is a man that seamlessly fits into my life. Trevor holds me up when no one else thinks twice about my needs or wants. And he keeps coming back for me. Again and again. Our relationship might be fake to Trevor, but I’m playing for keeps.


Fake boyfriend. Good friend. Shitty son. Faking is my only real skill. The dark family secrets I carry inside remind me daily of my worth. Nothing. I’m only of value when I’m providing fake boyfriends a service. But when a sweet farmer hires me for a wedding weekend, everything slowly starts to unravel. Beau works his way into my battered heart with gentle smiles, shy looks, and profound steadiness. Safe with Beau, maybe it’s finally time to stop faking my way through life.

The Former Fake Boyfriend is the second novel in the Sweet Southern series. Expect a swoony fake dating romance between a city boy sex worker and a gentle giant farmer featuring an age gap, hurt/comfort, and second chances.

REVIEW: ⟫ When I say that this was easy to read, I mean that the characters draw you in pretty much immediately and it was very easy to enter the world of Beau and Trevor. However, the things that Trevor and Beau were handling weren’t easy and I really appreciated the thought and effort the author put into showing these two men being so vulnerable with each other. The strength that they both showed in such different circumstances was fascinating to read – with Trevor, it wasn’t always easy to understand why he did what he did – but the parallels between the two of them made it perfectly plain why they were so good for each other.

I read the Husband Experience previously so knew some of the background, but I didn’t expect to care as much as I did about these two.

The phone calls between them – the one word from Trevor – made me feel so sad for him. I can’t imagine going through what he did and could well understand his difficulty in accepting the love that was offered to him. The background characters were fun, touching and very real, and I very much enjoyed reading how these two men fought for their happy ever after.

I received an ARC from GRR.

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Owed to the Billionaire by Medusa Stone

TITLE: ⟫ Owed to the Billionaire

AUTHOR: ⟫ Medusa Stone

SERIES: ⟫ Belonging to the Billionaire

RATING: ⟫ 3.5/5

BLURB: ⟫ MM/Dark Mafia/ Billionaire-Romance/ Hurt-Comfort/ Enemies to lovers


The criminal underground wasn't something I had anything to do with. That’s until my brother's gambling got out of hand. Ryan owes a lot of money to the vicious Vincent Salvatore, and the man wants what's his. We can't pay, so Salvatore demands my brother works off his debt… and I'm the collateral.

I may be held in a luxurious prison, but it's still a cage. So why am I developing feelings for the man who holds our future in his hands?


I don’t give a damn about some gambler's brother. I want my money, and Ryan's debt is a noose tightening around his neck. My world doesn't tolerate failure. But then I see Michael—the innocent collateral. The moment our eyes lock, everything shifts.

I should be focused on getting my money back, but Michael's got this quiet strength that gets under my skin. Suddenly, it's not just about the debt. It's about keeping him close, protecting him. Anyone who dares to touch him will face my wrath.

I didn’t plan for this. But now, there's nothing I won’t do to keep him safe—even if it means breaking all my own rules.

All books in “Belonging To The Billionaire” series are standalones.

REVIEW: ⟫ This is a short novella – approx 12.5k words – and as such, the author makes sure to warn the reader that there isn’t a lot of room for backstory or build-up. Nevertheless, from the beginning, you do get a very good sense of the depth of the caring between Ryan and Michael, and just why Michael is prepared to do anything to keep his brother safe, and vice versa. It also quickly becomes clear that Vincent is confused by the emotions that Michael engenders in him – he is far more used to delivering pain, manipulating people into owing him fealty, and running the darker side of things than he is to gentle emotions. I liked how the men who collected Michael were made to pay for their actions – they didn’t have permission for the things that they did so were reprimanded – a sharp reminder that Vincent is in charge of all of it.

I don’t recall reading any Medusa Stone prior to this but would be interested in reading what could come from a story with the space to go into more detail – whether in building the relationships, the backstory, or even the resolution. This was a quick, interesting read and I will probably look for more stories by this author, and particularly in this series as the next title sounds interesting.

I received an ARC from the author but the views are my own.

Monday 12 August 2024

Shots on Net by J.J. Mulder (SCU Hockey Book #1)

TITLE: ⟫ Shots on Net

AUTHOR: ⟫ J.J. Mulder

SERIES: ⟫ SCU Hockey Book #1

RATING: ⟫ 4/5

BLURB: ⟫ Carter Morgan III hates everything about South Carolina University except for one thing: hockey. As the starting netminder for the team, he lives for those moments when he can step onto the ice and between the pipes. Unfortunately, his time at school and on the team is slowly coming to an end; although he’d love nothing more than to pursue a career in the NHL, he knows better than to get his hopes up.

Zeke Cassidy needs a place to live. When he answers an advertisement for a roommate, he’s not sure what he is expecting except that it isn’t Carter Morgan III. Carter is unfriendly, aloof, and they have nothing in common; even so, the pair hit it off immediately and become friends.

Carter knows Zeke isn’t interested in being anything beyond friends and roommates. Unfortunately, knowing this doesn’t stop him from hoping for more, no matter how much he tries to convince himself it’s impossible.

REVIEW: ⟫ This book completely crept up on me and I am so pleased to have found a new author to read! Zeke was an absolute delight – just so upfront and honest, open and caring – exactly what Carter needs. And Carter! Oh my, I just wanted to give him the biggest hugs and hold on tight – that boy deserved so much better than he had gotten before Zeke turned up! The fact that Zeke could read through his grumpy exterior, treasured every single one of his smiles, and made Carter begin to realise that he could have more – really brilliantly done!

I haven’t read anything from this author before but you can bet I’m hitting up everything on their back catalogue after this – Coach Mckensie needs to be read, obviously!!

Sunday 11 August 2024

The Night I Lost Him by Calliope Rhys

TITLE: ⟫ The Night I Lost Him

AUTHOR: ⟫ Calliope Rhys

RATING: ⟫ 2.5/5

BLURB: ⟫ Caden Conner had never planned on coming out of the box he’d placed himself in long ago, the one he’d carefully crafted to look like everyone around him wanted it to. He had determined to be what they all expected. He’d decorated it with hockey and parties and girlfriends. No one was ever supposed to find him there, but then Jamie came along and ripped him right out of it.

Jamie Bryant was an enigma. He did what he wanted, wore what he wanted, and never apologized for who he was. He had plenty of whispers swirling around him, side-eyes and some outright hatred, but he seemed to simply ignore most of it. Caden had been watching, though, and he’d always hated it when people picked on Jamie. One moment would change everything between them, but Caden still had one foot in that box, torn between being who he truly was and holding onto the reputation he’d worked for.

Caden wasn’t the only person who could see that Jamie was beautiful. Jamie had plenty of his own admirers, and one of them was more dangerous than anyone realized until it was too late. No one thought that he would take it as far as he did, but by the time they understood, Jamie was already missing.

Caden realized he’d lost everything that truly mattered in his life when he’d lost Jamie. The regret and guilt swirled with fear and pain. And he would do whatever it took to get him back.

REVIEW: ⟫ I wanted to love this book so very much – the premise was fascinating and it started out incredibly well. The pain Caden was going through was palpable and the initial flashbacks were introduced in such a way as to fill in the backstory well. But then things went on. And on. Constant pages of Caden going over and over the same thing.

By the time we got to court, even the flashbacks that told their love story couldn’t save it. I was so aggravated by so many things that it got to the stage where I was almost hate reading it. I just wanted to get to the end so that it was over.

The characters were interesting, the premise was well thought out – this was let down by the lack of someone to tell the author to move the heck on with the story. Sometimes I actually felt like I was literally taking the same footsteps as Caden and it was just taking too darn long.

I hesitated on what to rate this as, but for the sake of Caden and Jamie, the excellent meaning the author was working towards, and the friends who proved to be worth their weight in gold, I decided on 2.5, rounded up.

I understand that this is a debut novel (I think) and I will look out for more by this author.

Friday 9 August 2024

Passing Through Purgatory by Nikole Knight (Passing Through Cafe Book #1)

TITLE: ⟫ Passing Through Purgatory

AUTHOR: ⟫ Nikole Knight

SERIES: ⟫ Passing Through Cafe Book #1

RATING: ⟫ 4/5

BLURB: ⟫ When Oliver applied for a job in the Hell dimension on a whim, he didn’t expect it to turn his whole world—or his heart—entirely upside down.

Recently graduated at twenty-six, and two months behind on rent, Oliver Barnes is desperate. So desperate, in fact, that he applies for a job in the Greed district of Hell’s Pentagram. But when he misses his train and, subsequently, his job interview, he stumbles, instead, upon a strange little coffee shop in the middle of Purgatory’s barren desert—and into an unexpected opportunity.

It isn’t the job he came to Hell for, but maybe it’s exactly the job he needs.

As he navigates the demon dimension and tries to survive the ridiculous shenanigans of his unholy co-workers, Oliver soon falls head-over-ass for a tentacled lawyer with electric fingers and a deadly-sharp grin. Together, they discover that, sometimes, love and happiness can be just a train ride away.

REVIEW: ⟫ Initially, I struggled to connect with this book. Everything sounded so alien, sometimes in what felt like an unnecessarily alien way as if to emphasise how different everything was, and I thought I wouldn’t get over that aspect of things. It didn’t help that we didn’t meet Liel until what felt like over a third of the way through the story.

However, once I began to distinguish between the different characters/demons Oliver was working with and Liel was introduced, I fell in love with this book. The banter from Gem – utterly deranged, completely inappropriate, but laugh your socks off funny; Rus with his description of something between a pink raccoon and a Care Bear; Willow with her empathy – each of them had their distinctive characteristics and role to play in this found family.

Oliver and Liel were so sexy together – both lacking confidence on occasion, yet open and honest with each other, and the lack of judging from both of them on their differences in physiology was lovely. The sex between them was hot, but ultimately it was all of them together on the trip back to Montana that brought a smile to my face that didn’t leave until I finished the book. I will definitely be looking out for more books about Purgatory and can heartily recommend this one.

I received an ARC from GRR.

Infected: Prey by Andrea Speed (Infected Book #1)

TITLE: ⟫ Infected: Prey

AUTHOR: ⟫ Andrea Speed

SERIES: ⟫ Infected Book #1

RATING: ⟫ 5/5

BLURB: ⟫ In a world where a werecat virus has changed society, Roan McKichan, a born infected and ex-cop, works as a private detective trying to solve crimes involving other infecteds. The murder of a former cop draws Roan into an odd case where an unidentifiable species of cat appears to be showing an unusual level of intelligence. He juggles that with trying to find a missing teenage boy, who, unbeknownst to his parents, was "cat" obsessed. And when someone is brutally murdering infecteds, Eli Winters, leader of the Church of the Divine Transformation, hires Roan to find the killer before he closes in on Eli. Working the crimes will lead Roan through a maze of hate, personal grudges, and mortal danger. With help from his tiger-strain infected partner, Paris Lehane, he does his best to survive in a world that hates and fears their kind… and occasionally worships them.

REVIEW: ⟫ I don’t even know why I decided to re-read this book – I think I saw the author’s name on Goodreads and I found myself wondering what happened to the protagonists so re-downloaded it from my kindle library.

Firstly, there is no explicit mm sex in this couple of novellas, which isn’t an issue but definitely isn’t the ‘norm’ when it comes to mm nowadays. I absolutely loved the whole concept of the infected and virus children, and remember being utterly delighted back when I read it initially. I loved it even more now – it felt fresh and new compared to the werewolf/shifter stories I’ve been reading over the years and I can’t think of anyone who’s used the same idea.

Roan and Paris are a fabulous couple – both complete AHs in their way and very much suited to each other. Their back stories are slowly revealed as you follow them in their investigations and they are just fascinating – the world they live in is fascinating and I was entranced from the time I began re-reading. I feel that the story has definitely aged well – the lack of internet, smart cell phones, etc. didn’t hurt the story at all.

I really enjoyed this revisit and will be continuing to re-read the series. I’m not sure how far I actually got in my reading so this could be a lot of fun rediscovering an old favoured author and ‘new to me’ work!