Title: ⟫ Mr Romance (Franklin U #3)
Author: ⟫ Louisa Masters
Rating: ⟫ 4/5
Blurb: ⟫ When you’re clueless, Mr. Romance can help.
I’m not sure how it happened, but it turns out I’ve unknowingly been dating three people.
Friends don’t spoil other friends, apparently. My trust fund means I can afford to, though, and what’s a meal here and there? Or some clothes? Or textbooks? That doesn’t mean we’re dating, right?
Others disagree.
If I want to get through the rest of college knowing who my friends are, I need help from someone who knows all about dating and can tell me what not to do.
Someone like Mr. Romance.
When people look at me, romance is the last thing they think of… but I’m still the first person they call. Need a first date planned? A big romantic moment? Gotta beg for forgiveness? I’m your man. When it comes to romance, I’ve got it handled.
Not personally, though. My romantic life is… barren.
All I really want is someone to snuggle with and spoil me. What I’ve got is planning dates for people who have no clue about romancing someone.
But now I’m somehow Charlie Martin’s anti-romance consultant. Charlie, who’s completely clueless yet the most accepting and friendly person I’ve ever met. Who’s giving and generous. Who’s befriended me and wants me to be happy.
I’m supposed to help him stop his friends from falling for him.
The last thing I need is to fall for him myself.
Review: ⟫ I think this may be the first book by Louisa Masters that I’ve read, but I will be on the look out for more.
Charlie is such a complete and utter Himbo, with the sweetest character and obliviousness that you can’t help but forgive him. The beginning of the book made me feel so bad for him, not least because his friend Ian had to intercede and save him whilst it was all being filmed.
The thing is, I have known people like Charlie (albeit without the trust fund) so it was easy to picture how he got himself into that position in the first place. I did feel bad for him trying to figure out just who else he had unwittingly tangled in his web!
Liam was a completely different character in terms of being extremely organised, romantic in spirit and an all around good guy. And picturing him throwing himself into those gymnastic moves didn’t hurt either!
I really enjoyed this duo – from their initial meeting and Liam helping Charlie sort a few things out, to where they began to spend more time together and get to know each other. I felt very much like Ian and Matt inasmuch as I wanted them to take off the blinkers and see what was happening! Every now and then, the dual obliviousness or unwillingness to communicate got irritating, but on the whole this entire story was an enjoyable romp – very similar to Liam’s favourite rom-coms!
I was intrigued by Ian and Matt, and will look out for their story, but was quietly satisfied with how this all played out and am looking forward to reading more of Franklin U.
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