Author: ⟫ Neve Wilder
Rating: ⟫ 4/5
Blurb: ⟫ Spencer
Whose brilliant idea was it to build university housing next to one of Franklin U’s most notorious party frats?
I’m a real student—the kind who actually came to college to learn, not some dumb frat bro who sees Franklin U as a four-year challenge to consume the most booze and throw out the best pick-up line.
Their all-hours lifestyle is driving me crazy. Not to mention, the jerks keep taking my assigned parking spot.
But the worst offender might be Cory Ingram. Sure, he has a smile that could melt a polar ice cap, but no way will I ever be one of his minions. I’m pretty sure I made that clear when I blew my top at him. So I have no idea why he’s suddenly everywhere around me, turning on the charm like I might actually fall for it.
Not gonna happen.
From the first day I set foot on Franklin U’s campus, everything has been golden. I have a ton of friends, endless parties to be the life of, and whoever I want in my bed on any given night.
Sure, I’m a shameless party boy, but I’m not a jerk. Ask anyone. Seriously.
Even the crotchety old groundskeeper waves and smiles at me when I pass.
Then there’s Spencer Crow.
I’ve never seen a guy’s face get so red over a parking spot. Even when I try to make it right, he proceeds to give me the tongue-lashing of a lifetime—which is about the moment I notice that, in addition to being irrationally irate, he’s also crazy hot.
My friends think I’ve finally met the one person I can’t seduce…
Bet you I can.
Review: ⟫ I’ve been enjoying reading the books in the interconnected Franklin U series and this one was no exception.
I was a little unsure when I read the premise – it seemed a tad icky to be making bets on seducing someone and reminded me far too much of Cruel Intentions – but I was interested enough to keep reading and am glad I did.
Cory and Spencer are a very cute couple, with their in-jokes, their ability to laugh at themselves at each other, and their interactions from their bedroom windows were extremely hot.
It was obvious from the very beginning that the whole bet thing was going to come back and bite Cory on the butt – however, it was so enjoyable up until that point that it was easy to put it out of my mind. The background characters were fun and interesting, as was the whole DIKCon that was going on, and this book was an extremely easy read.
I appreciated the reactions to the whole bet situation coming to life – there were no attempts to shrug it off or pretend that it wasn’t offensive. I also felt that Cory definitely realised what he had done wrong and was sincere in his grovelling. It didn’t hurt that he did his big gesture using one of my favourite TV moments featuring Tom Holland, and the imagery of the re-enaction was absolutely spot on!
I’m looking forward to reading the next instalment of Franklin U and am happy to recommend this as a fun, satisfying addition to the series.
I received an ARC from GRR.
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