Friday 12 July 2024

Twincerely Yours by Eden Finley (Franklin U 2 Book #8)

TITLE: ⟫ Twincerely Yours

AUTHOR: ⟫ Eden Finley

SERIES: ⟫ Franklin U 2 Book #8

RATING: ⟫ 4.5/5


My twin brother and I have gotten ourselves into a lot of messes growing up. We would constantly switch places to escape consequences while protecting each other at every cost.

But sleeping with Ben’s professor is a whole new level of mess, because there’s something Jonah doesn’t know. He might have been Ben’s professor last semester, but the person he was lecturing wasn’t Ben. It was me.


From the moment I meet Emmett, I know he looks familiar but I can’t pinpoint where from. It’s not until I see his twin brother in the quad that I put two and two together.

Dating the sibling of one of my ex-students isn’t a huge problem for me, but I can’t help thinking the twins are hiding something.

The more time I spend with Emmett, the more I fall for him, but as my insecurity grows, so does my worry that I’m being played.

When my heart and my gut tell me two different things, I don’t know which to trust. My gut tells me to cut and run, but my heart won’t let me. Even though I’ve been telling myself to hold back, it’s too late. I’m already in too deep.

REVIEW: ⟫ If you told me that I’d be crying at the end of this book, I wouldn’t have believed you.

Emmett and Benny have well and truly got themselves into a mess, but this book shines the light on Emmett. There are depths to his character that haven’t previously been seen – his need to have one thing just for him, to be seen as himself – it really touched my heart and was a theme throughout the book. I mean, how incredibly difficult to be someone else for six months with little to no break? I also couldn’t see how he and Jonah were going to get their happily ever after – someone was going to suffer and it kinda felt so incredibly unfair. Yes, Emmett and Benny made bad decisions but they weren’t being malicious. Part of what I enjoyed was that Eden didn’t try to lessen what the twins had done – nor allow them to avoid the consequences.

I really found Jonah and Emmett to be special, with a sincere desire for the other to be happy and safe. There was a section where they are spooning and take turns and my heart just melted. This was a steamy, sexy. Heart-felt romance, with a lot of family and history, as well as new beginnings. Definitely one of the best of Franklin U 2 that I have read so far. I received an ARC from GRR.

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