Sunday 16 June 2024

Red Flags and Tuesdays by Nordika Night (Weekday Weirdos Book #1)

TITLE: ⟫ Red Flags and Tuesdays

AUTHOR: ⟫ Nordika Night

SERIES: ⟫ Weekday Weirdos Series Book #1

RATING: ⟫ 4/5

BLURB: ⟫ Waking up to his one-night stand trying to flee the scene, Reid sits back to enjoy the show. This blond boy is all snark and quick-wit, but there’s an awkward side to him that intrigues Reid enough to want to con him into a second date. After numerous failed attempts, Atticus reluctantly agrees to an on-the-spot date, and things get quirky from there.

A philosophy major and a wayward son, these two work through their differences, battling red flags and a slew of Tuesdays that have them bonding in ways they never saw coming. There is no normal way to date Atticus, and Reid soon learns that this ‘romance lover’ has no idea what romance is, but he’s willing to put in the work.

Reid is taking back his life. Atticus is taking back Tuesdays.

Together, they’re a brilliant disaster.

REVIEW: ⟫ This was a delightful read, especially enjoyable after the dark, intense book I read just beforehand. Atticus made me laugh so hard with his rules and regulations, his absolute refusal to give an inch to Reid and the obvious pain he is carrying. His desire to protect himself from the damage Reid could do to his heart is so touching and believable, yet the pull between the two of them is far too strong for him to resist.

Reid impressed me for different reasons. He could have been a typical f*ckboy, out to spend his father’s money and waste his life. Instead, he saw what he wanted in Atticus, adjusted very quickly to the idea that he was more sexually fluid than he expected, and went for it with every ounce of himself. I appreciated the fact that he thought about what Atticus was afraid of and was so determined to learn Atticus’ love language.

The story was intense and yet fun at the same time, with both main characters so multi dimensional that it was easy to see them in my mind’s eye. I very much enjoyed this story, Nordika Night’s style of writing really worked for me and I’m glad I took the ride with the characters.

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