Sunday 23 June 2024

Dateless by Willow Thomas (Squad Goals Book #3)

TITLE: ⟫ Dateless

AUTHOR: ⟫ Willow Thomas

SERIES: ⟫ Squad Goals Book #3

RATING: ⟫ 4/5

BLURB:The Cheerleader and The Frat Boy


On paper, I have everything going for me.

I am a flier on the FVU cheerleading team. I’m getting a degree so I can become a kindergarten teacher. I have amazing friends and the best brothers.

Yet, with men, I am totally inexperienced.

Kisses…yes. Anything else…nope.

A stupid incident lands me in hot water with the president of the Kappa Frat house. Corey Howe is rightly feared across campus. Students and staff members have been expelled for crossing him. He gives me an ultimatum; do whatever he says, or he goes to the Dean and I lose my scholarship.

It’s hardly surprising what I choose.

Spending so much time with a guy who shows his disdain for me should be a nightmare, but the glimpses I see of the person behind the facade draw me in.

I’m in serious trouble…and I think I like it.


I may have a trust fund, but I hate entitlement.

When I became the president of the Kappa, I swore I would turn it from being an old boy’s club, to a frat where anyone can thrive.

It’s given me a reputation for being an asshole, which I wear like a suit of armor. People don’t bother you if they think you’re going to ruin them.

Luke Green didn’t get the memo.

Instead of ratting him out, I choose an unorthodox approach. Yet despite every chore and task I throw at him, Luke never loses his smile. He does everything with so much enthusiasm I want to throw him over my shoulder and see if he gives the same amount of energy in my bed.

That’s never going to happen…

…until it does.

REVIEW: ⟫This was quite the delightful read! If you’ve read the other Squad Goals stories, you’ll recognise Luke – the virgin looking for love whilst watching all of his friends find theirs. And finally, Luke finds the man of his dreams! He just so happens to be a nightmare as far as other people are concerned – the rumours circulating around Corey make him sound very scary indeed.

As a duo, Luke and Corey are just lovely. Corey gets the wrong impression of Luke initially but it was refreshing to see him realise his mistake and move on. No major angst, no denial – just acceptance that he was wrong and that Luke truly is the sexy, straight forward, caring man that he appears to be. Corey tries not to fall in love but not that hard, and that is another sweet side to this – after talking to Ryder, Corey realises that he’s pulling away from Luke because of his own fears and makes efforts to rectify that. Again, minimal angst, just some thoughtfulness and a willingness to be better.

So freaking refreshing!

The sex was fun, sexy and everything Luke deserved after so long – basically, this whole book is just like a golden retriever. You can’t help but smile and it leaves you in a much better mood once you’ve read it!

I received an ARC from the author.

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