Title: ⟫ Kissed by a Killer (Morelli Family #5)Author: ⟫ Leighton Greene
Blurb: ⟫ It’s my job to protect the Morelli men when the law is after them. But now their most dangerous Capo has killed to protect me.
My law firm has two unbreakable rules.
1. Never get personally involved with a client.
Nick Fontana was only ever supposed to be a booty call, but he’s had me cross-examining my heart since we started hooking up.
2. Never let the Morellis do you a favor.
I can’t stop thinking about his talented hands on my body...but those hands just took the wrong life to save mine.
I helped Nick cover up what he did, because if anyone finds out, it would start a Mob War that could destroy us all.
But someone knows our deadly secret.
I’ve kept my mouth shut. So can I really trust the killer I’ve been kissing?
Review: ⟫ Okay, I’ve officially decided Nicky and Carlo are my favourite in this series. They are so freaking hot together, and I was shocked to discover that the lawyer was more cut-throat than the killer. Go figure!
This was a fascinating insight into what it’s like to work for the Don – to be in a position of power but not THE position of power. Despite his position in the Family, ultimately Nicky knew that his actions could lead to his death. But for Carlo, he did it. Even while trying to deny how he felt about him.
And Carlo was a freaking bada$$! Even when he was terrified, trying to figure a way out of the awful dilemma they were in – he was still absolutely brilliant. I adored these two men together – where Nicky was soft, Carlo was tough, and Nicky was such a devoted, strong, protective man – who could ask for more? We saw more of Finch and Luca, and this was one of the first times in a while where we see Luca most definitely as the dark Boss that Finch fell in love with. And that was hot, even while I was holding my breath waiting to see how things were going to play out.
I devoured this book in a matter of hours and didn’t begrudge the lack of sleep – it was well worth it. Yeah, my favourite of the Morelli Family books so far!
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