Sunday 13 October 2024

Between the Pipes by JJ Mulder (Offsides Book #3)

TITLE: ⟫ Between the Pipes

AUTHOR: ⟫ JJ Mulder

SERIES: ⟫ Offsides Book #3

RATING: ⟫ 4/5

BLURB: ⟫ Nico Mackenzie is angry and argumentative— in every way, he is the exact opposite of NHL goaltender Anthony Lawson. Thrown together for a summer of coaching college hockey at South Carolina University, Anthony makes every effort to be friendly; Nico, on the other hand, seems intent on being infuriating and keeping the other man at arm’s length.

When a causal relationship forms between the pair, they form an unsteady truce. The summer is finite, however, and when it comes to an end a decision has to be do they end things as they are or try for more?

REVIEW: ⟫ Okay, so I loved Lawson in the first two books so I was very invested in him getting his HEA. I wasn’t sure about Nico – I loved him in Carter’s story which is in the SCU verse, but here he definitely came across as angry and a bit of a PITA. However, these two – the way they worked together, how much they cared about each other – they melted my heart.

I was heartbroken when the summer came to an end and was really not sure how the author was going to bring them back together. The way it was done, how it was handled – yeah, definitely worked for me. I loved seeing the other guys from in the series but I think Lawson holds a special place in my heart!

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