Friday 10 May 2024

Work: Strictly Professional by Jesse H Reign (Bad Decisions Book #2)

TITLE: ⟫ Work: Strictly Professional

AUTHOR: ⟫ Jesse H Reign

SERIES: ⟫ Bad Decisions Book #2

RATING: ⟫ 5/5

BLURB:“Not to worry, I’ll compensate you for your time and your… skill.”

My boss is a walking red flag. He’s bolshy and rude. Impossible to please. A big, broody man with dark eyes that carry an unmistakable message – I am not manageable. Seriously, he’s the worst. If it’s not bad enough that he’s a nightmare in the office, he’s all but ordering me to be his date to his son’s wedding. He says it’s called ‘winning a divorce.’ I try telling him that’s not a real thing, but it falls on deaf ears. Not only that, he appears to be in the throes of a major personal awakening and is determined that I’m the man to guide him through it. I’m all for going above and beyond at work, but the man’s demands are becoming downright indecent. See what I mean? Red flags galore. So many red flags I can’t count them all. I might as well be playing a game of red flag bingo at this point. Just my luck, when it comes to Derek MacAvoy, I see a red flag…and instantly want to date it.

REVIEW: ⟫ There’s so much about this story that shouldn’t work – mainly all of the red flags that Wyn notes about Derek when he first meets him. And yet, this was a five star read for me because of Jesse H Reign’s writing style! I laughed so hard with so many of the things that happened – from Derek’s complete and utter cockiness regarding his ‘skills’ (well earned by the way), to how stupendous Wyn was at spending Derek’s money and making it worth while, to the sex scenes – like, phew, these two were hot together!

It was lovely to have the references to previous characters and I really enjoyed just watching Wyn at work – he was absolutely epic and reminded me so much of my working days when you had to manage the boss to ensure optimal output whilst still ensuring they remained somewhat human! The red flags were flying but Wyn managed to turn them all at least a darker shade of green by the end of the book.

A fun, sexy read that put a smile on my face and made me happy indeed!

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