Title: ⟫ Berserk: A Hurt Comfort Gay Romance (The Teams Book 5)
Author: ⟫ Romilly King
Blurb: ⟫ Come along with Berk and Snipe on a road trip to inner peace.I’m a vegan rage machine who will try any alternative therapy to calm the beast inside me. He’s a gun crazy sniper who until now looked at the whole world through his scope.
We aren’t a match made in heaven. We argue constantly. We like to pretend we are barely friends but he’s the only person I can tolerate when the anger gets out of control.
There is a resonance between me and Snipe and I’m going to help him get over the life changing injuries he got while on a mission with me.
I’m calling it duty.
He’s calling it pointless.
I’m not stopping until we’re both in a better place. Whatever it takes - sweat lodges, crystals, howling at the moon. We’re going on a road trip together and we’re gonna get healed.
Berserk is the fifth book in The Teams Series. It’s a hurt comfort story of the complicated relationship between a man with anger management problems and an ice cold killer who needs to find a new way of being. Expect weird therapies, much banter, and a strangely sweet love story.
Review: ⟫ If I had paid to read this book, I would be steaming angry.
This was – it wasn’t even hurt/comfort so much as just – I cannot even express what this book is. Actually, I can. It’s an insult.
The Teams has always been about what happened to the handlers and witnesses after the programme closed down. And I was really looking forward to finding out how a man who defines himself by his ability to be an amazing sniper would deal with losing half of his sight and his manual dexterity. This book was full of alternative healing methods – sometimes feeling like it was taking the mickey out of them – and the relationship between the two male leads was just not explored at all. I was expecting hot alpha males and got limp lettuce. I kept reading expecting things to get hot, to get interesting, but by the time I got to the end I was just raging with disappointment. This book was a shambles and I hate that I spent the time looking forward to it and reading it.
I give it 1/5 and only because it means I can stop waiting for the series to end and know that this is the final nail in the coffin.